Codebeispiel: Implementing a PWProcessFunction

C# public

// 2. Declare the required paramters for instantianting this workflow class.
// ACProgram.ClassName is obligatory. InOrder.ClassName is the data context for all this an all child workflow-nodes.
new object[]
        new object[] {ACProgram.ClassName, Global.ParamOption.Required, typeof(Guid)},
        new object[] {ACProgramLog.ClassName, Global.ParamOption.Optional, typeof(Guid)},
        new object[] {InOrder.ClassName, Global.ParamOption.Required, typeof(Guid)}
// 1. Use Global.ACKinds.TPWMethod to publish the Workflow-Class to the iPlus-Type-System.
[ACClassInfo("mycompany.erp", "en{'Example WFRoot'}de{'Example WFRoot'}", Global.ACKinds.TPWMethod, Global.ACStorableTypes.Required, true, true, "", "", 10)]
public class PWProcFuncOrder : PWProcessFunction
    new public const string PWClassName = "PWProcFuncOrder";

    #region c´tors
    static PWProcFuncOrder()
        // 3. Register static Method-Invocation-Handler for Client/Proxy-Side
        RegisterExecuteHandler(typeof(PWProcFuncOrder), HandleExecuteACMethod_PWProcFuncOrder);

    public PWProcFuncOrder(ACClass acType, IACObject content, IACObject parentACObject, ACValueList parameter, string acIdentifier = "")
        : base(acType, content, parentACObject, parameter, acIdentifier)

    public override bool ACDeInit(bool deleteACClassTask = false)
        // 9. Reset local members to make this instance reusable before it will be added to the component pool
        using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
            _CurrentInOrder = null;

        if (!base.ACDeInit(deleteACClassTask))
            return false;

        return true;

    public override void Recycle(IACObject content, IACObject parentACObject, ACValueList parameter, string acIdentifier = "")
        // 9. Reset local members to make this instance reusable when it was taken from the component pool
        using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
            _CurrentInOrder = null;
        base.Recycle(content, parentACObject, parameter, acIdentifier);

    #region Properties
    private InOrder _CurrentInOrder = null;
    public InOrder CurrentInOrder
            using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
                if (_CurrentInOrder != null)
                    return _CurrentInOrder;

            using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
                return _CurrentInOrder;

    #region Methods
    #region overrides
    public override PAOrderInfo GetPAOrderInfo()
        PAOrderInfo orderInfo = base.GetPAOrderInfo();

        if (CurrentInOrder == null)
            return orderInfo;

        if (orderInfo == null)
            orderInfo = new PAOrderInfo();

        orderInfo.Add(InOrder.ClassName, CurrentInOrder.InOrderID);

        return orderInfo;

    #region Execute-Helper-Handlers
    protected override bool HandleExecuteACMethod(out object result, AsyncMethodInvocationMode invocationMode, string acMethodName, gip.core.datamodel.ACClassMethod acClassMethod, params object[] acParameter)
        //result = null;
        //switch (acMethodName)
        return base.HandleExecuteACMethod(out result, invocationMode, acMethodName, acClassMethod, acParameter);

    public static bool HandleExecuteACMethod_PWProcFuncOrder(out object result, IACComponent acComponent, string acMethodName, gip.core.datamodel.ACClassMethod acClassMethod, params object[] acParameter)
        //result = null;
        //switch (acMethodName)
        return HandleExecuteACMethod_PWProcessFunction(out result, acComponent, acMethodName, acClassMethod, acParameter);

    #region Logic
    // 4. Override the Start-Method
    public override ACMethodEventArgs Start(ACMethod acMethod)
        // 5. Read the data context:
        InOrder inOrder = GetInOrder(acMethod);
        if (inOrder == null)
            return CreateNewMethodEventArgs(acMethod, Global.ACMethodResultState.Failed);
        using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
            _CurrentInOrder = inOrder;
        // 6. Call base-Start() to start the Workflow
        return base.Start(acMethod);

    // 7. Override this method to control if Start-Node (PWNodeStart) can be activated to run the workflow 
    protected override bool CanRunWorkflow()
        bool canRunWF = false;
        using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
            canRunWF = _CurrentInOrder != null;
        if (!canRunWF)
            return false;

        return ProcessAlarm.ValueT == PANotifyState.Off;

    // 8. Method that reads the data context when iPlus-Service was restarted
    protected virtual void LoadEntities()
        var rootPW = RootPW;
        if (   rootPW == null 
            || CurrentACMethod == null 
            || CurrentACMethod.ValueT == null)
        InOrder inOrder = GetInOrder(CurrentACMethod.ValueT);
        using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
            _CurrentInOrder = inOrder;

    protected InOrder GetInOrder(ACMethod acMethod)
        if (acMethod == null)
            return null;
        Guid inOrderID = (Guid)acMethod[InOrder.ClassName];
        if (inOrderID == Guid.Empty)
            return null;

        using (MyCompanyDB dbApp = new MyCompanyDB())
            return dbApp.InOrder.Where(c => c.InOrderID == inOrderID)

Modifier: Damir Lisak / Modified:04.01.2021 19:50