Codebeispiel: V5 Implementation Example: IACEntityObjectContext
/// <summary>
/// For the implementation of a custom Entity-Framework-Context you have to implement IACEntityObjectContext.
/// Use gip.core.datamodel.ACObjectContextHelper as a Helper-Class for implementing the IACEntityObjectContext-Members.
/// Declare the ACClassInfo-Attributeclass with "Global.ACKinds.TACDBAManager". After starting iPlus with "Ctrl-Key + Login-Button",
/// this new Entity-Framework-Context-Class will appear in the iPlus development environment in the Variobatch-Tree.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="mycompany.package.datamodel.MyCompanyEntities" />
/// <seealso cref="gip.core.datamodel.IACEntityObjectContext" />
/// <seealso cref="System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged" />
[ACClassInfo("mycompany.erp", "en{'Database application'}de{'Datenbank Anwendung'}", Global.ACKinds.TACDBAManager, Global.ACStorableTypes.NotStorable, false, false)]
public partial class MyCompanyDB : ExampleV5Context, IACEntityObjectContext, INotifyPropertyChanged
private ACObjectContextHelper _ObjectContextHelper;
public MyCompanyDB()
: base(EntityObjectExtension.DbContextOptions<ExampleV5Context>(ConnectionString))
_ObjectContextHelper = new ACObjectContextHelper(this);
/// <summary>
/// Saves all changes in this MyCompanyDB-Context as well as in the iPlus-Context
/// If ContextIPlus is not seperate (Property IsSeperateIPlusContext == false / ContextIPlus == Database.GlobalDatabase) then SaveChanges will not be invoked for the global database.
/// If you wan't that, then you have to pass an new iPlus-Context-Instance to the constructor of the MyCompanyDB-Context!
/// UNSAFE. Use QueryLock_1X000 outside for Custom-Database-Context as well as for the seperate iPlus-Context
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[ACMethodInfo("", "", 9999)]
public MsgWithDetails ACSaveChanges(bool autoSaveContextIPlus = true, bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess = true, bool validationOff = false, bool writeUpdateInfo = true)
MsgWithDetails result = _ObjectContextHelper.ACSaveChanges(autoSaveContextIPlus, acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, validationOff, writeUpdateInfo);
if (result == null)
if (ACChangesExecuted != null)
ACChangesExecuted.Invoke(this, new ACChangesEventArgs(ACChangesEventArgs.ACChangesType.ACSaveChanges, true));
if (ACChangesExecuted != null)
ACChangesExecuted.Invoke(this, new ACChangesEventArgs(ACChangesEventArgs.ACChangesType.ACSaveChanges, false));
return result;
// ... Implement all other members of IACEntityObjectContext by reusing ACObjectContextHelper.
Modifier: Mario Žitković / Modified:24.07.2023 12:36