Codebeispiel: Implementing a PWNodeProcessMethod
// 1. Use Global.ACKinds.TPWNodeMethod to publish the Workflow-Class to the iPlus-Type-System.
[ACClassInfo("mycompany.erp", "en{'Example WFNode'}de{'Example WFNode'}", Global.ACKinds.TPWNodeMethod, Global.ACStorableTypes.Required, false, PWProcessFunction.PWClassName, true)]
public class PWOrder : PWNodeProcessMethod, IACMyConfigCache
public const string PWClassName = "PWOrder";
#region c´tors
static PWOrder()
// 2. Register a ACMethod-Template for this Workflow-Class
ACMethod method = new ACMethod(ACStateConst.SMStarting);
Dictionary<string, string> paramTranslation = new Dictionary<string, string>();
method.ParameterValueList.Add(new ACValue("SkipIfNoLines", typeof(bool), false, Global.ParamOption.Required));
paramTranslation.Add("SkipIfNoLines", "en{'Skip if no lines'}de{'Überspringe wenn keine Positionen'}");
var wrapper = new ACMethodWrapper(method, "en{'Configuration'}de{'Konfiguration'}", typeof(PWOrder), paramTranslation, null);
ACMethod.RegisterVirtualMethod(typeof(PWOrder), ACStateConst.SMStarting, wrapper);
// 3. Register static Method-Invocation-Handler for Client/Proxy-Side
RegisterExecuteHandler(typeof(PWOrder), HandleExecuteACMethod_PWOrder);
public PWOrder(ACClass acType, IACObject content, IACObject parentACObject, ACValueList parameter, string acIdentifier = "")
: base(acType, content, parentACObject, parameter, acIdentifier)
public override bool ACDeInit(bool deleteACClassTask = false)
// 15. Reset local members to make this instance reusable before it will be added to the component pool
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
_CountLines = 0;
return base.ACDeInit(deleteACClassTask);
public override void Recycle(IACObject content, IACObject parentACObject, ACValueList parameter, string acIdentifier = "")
// 15. Reset local members to make this instance reusable when it was taken from the component pool
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
_CountLines = 0;
base.Recycle(content, parentACObject, parameter, acIdentifier);
#region Execute-Helper-Handlers
public static bool HandleExecuteACMethod_PWOrder(out object result, IACComponent acComponent, string acMethodName, gip.core.datamodel.ACClassMethod acClassMethod, params object[] acParameter)
return HandleExecuteACMethod_PWNodeProcessMethod(out result, acComponent, acMethodName, acClassMethod, acParameter);
#region Properties
// 16. The data context with which the class works is stored in the Root-Workflow-Node of class PWProcFuncOrder
public InOrder CurrentInOrder
if (ParentRootWFNode == null)
return null;
PWProcFuncOrder pWProcFunc = ParentRootWFNode as PWProcFuncOrder;
if (pWProcFunc == null)
return null;
return pWProcFunc.CurrentInOrder;
private ACMethod _MyConfiguration;
// 10. Implementation of IACMyConfigCache for reading the parameters for this workflow-node
public ACMethod MyConfiguration
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
if (_MyConfiguration != null)
return _MyConfiguration;
// Call NewACMethodWithConfiguration to get a new instance of ACMethod() with parameters that are filled from Config-Store-Hierarchy
var myNewConfig = NewACMethodWithConfiguration();
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
if (_MyConfiguration == null)
_MyConfiguration = myNewConfig;
return _MyConfiguration;
// 11. Implementation of IACMyConfigCache for resetting the local cache (_MyConfiguration)
public void ClearMyConfiguration()
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue))
_MyConfiguration = null;
HasRules.ValueT = 0;
// 12. Provide a Property for a easy access to the configured value in ParameterValueList
protected bool SkipIfNoLines
var method = MyConfiguration;
if (method != null)
var acValue = method.ParameterValueList.GetACValue("SkipIfNoLines");
if (acValue != null)
return acValue.ParamAsBoolean;
return false;
private int _CountLines = 0;
// 13. Access private fields via ACMonitor.Lock()
public int CountLines
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue)) { return _CountLines; }
#region Methods
// 4. Override SMStarting and use the ACMethodState-Attribute!
[ACMethodState("en{'Executing'}de{'Ausführend'}", 20, true)]
public override void SMStarting()
string csv = GetOrderDataCSV();
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(csv)
|| (CountLines <= 0 && SkipIfNoLines))
if (CurrentACState == ACStateEnum.SMStarting)
CurrentACState = ACStateEnum.SMCompleted;
if (ParentPWGroup != null && this.ContentACClassWF != null)
// 5. RefPAACClassMethod is a reference to the virtual "WriteOrder"-Method
ACClassMethod refPAACClassMethod = null;
using (ACMonitor.Lock(this.ContextLockForACClassWF))
refPAACClassMethod = this.ContentACClassWF.RefPAACClassMethod;
if (refPAACClassMethod != null)
PAProcessModule module = ParentPWGroup.AccessedProcessModule;
if (module == null)
Msg msg = new Msg("AccessedProcessModule is null", this, eMsgLevel.Error, PWClassName, "SMStarting", 1010);
if (IsAlarmActive(ProcessAlarm, msg.Message) == null)
Messages.LogError(this.GetACUrl(), "SMStarting(10)", msg.Message);
OnNewAlarmOccurred(ProcessAlarm, msg, true);
// 6. With TypeACSignature() you get ACMethod for "WriteOrder"
ACMethod paramMethod = refPAACClassMethod.TypeACSignature();
if (!(bool)ExecuteMethod("GetConfigForACMethod", paramMethod, true))
// 7. Set all necessary parameters
paramMethod.ParameterValueList["Content"] = csv;
if (CreateNewProgramLog(paramMethod) <= CreateNewProgramLogResult.ErrorNoProgramFound)
_ExecutingACMethod = paramMethod;
// 8. Start asynchronous task on PAFOrder.
if (!module.TaskInvocationPoint.AddTask(paramMethod, this))
// 9. Switch to State SMRunning
// (If module.AddTask was exceuted syncronously then state is maybe already Runnning.)
if (IsACStateMethodConsistent(ACStateEnum.SMStarting) < ACStateCompare.WrongACStateMethod)
CurrentACState = ACStateEnum.SMRunning;
// Optional override: Handle the Function-Result
public override void TaskCallback(IACPointNetBase sender, ACEventArgs e, IACObject wrapObject)
if (e != null)
IACTask taskEntry = wrapObject as IACTask;
ACMethodEventArgs eM = e as ACMethodEventArgs;
if (taskEntry.State == PointProcessingState.Deleted)
{ /* Task completed: Place here your code */
else if ( eM.ResultState == Global.ACMethodResultState.InProcess
&& taskEntry.State == PointProcessingState.Accepted)
{ /* Task running: Place here your code */
// Starting of a Method failed
else if (taskEntry.State == PointProcessingState.Rejected)
{ /* Task rejected: Place here your code */
base.TaskCallback(sender, e, wrapObject);
private string GetOrderDataCSV()
int countLines = 0;
if (CurrentInOrder == null)
return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// 17. Always access the data context with a new EF-Database-Instance because the Entities in the root workflow-node are in DETACHED-State!
using (MyCompanyDB dbApp = new MyCompanyDB())
InOrder inOrder = dbApp.InOrder.Include(c => c.InOrderPos_InOrder)
.Where(c => c.InOrderID == CurrentInOrder.InOrderID)
if (inOrder != null)
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0};{1};", inOrder.InOrderNo, inOrder.InOrderDate));
foreach (var line in inOrder.InOrderPos_InOrder)
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("{0};{1};", line.Material.MaterialNo, line.TargetQuantity));
using (ACMonitor.Lock(_20015_LockValue)) { _CountLines = countLines; }
return sb.ToString();
protected override void DumpPropertyList(XmlDocument doc, XmlElement xmlACPropertyList)
base.DumpPropertyList(doc, xmlACPropertyList);
// 14. Dump private fields for diagnostic
XmlElement xmlChild = xmlACPropertyList["CountLines"];
if (xmlChild == null)
xmlChild = doc.CreateElement("CountLines");
if (xmlChild != null)
xmlChild.InnerText = CountLines.ToString();
Modifier: Damir Lisak / Modified:11.01.2021 18:41