#ctor(gip |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
ACAction(gip |
ACAction is called when one IACInteractiveObject (Source) wants to inform another IACInteractiveObject (Target) about an relevant interaction-event.
ACInit(gip |
ACs the init.
ACSaveOrUndoChanges |
When the database context has changed, a dialog is opened that asks the user whether they want to save the changes. If yes then the OnSave()-Method will be invoked to inform all BSO's which uses the same database-context. If not then ACUndoChanges() will be invoked. If cancelled then nothing will happen.
BSOFacilityLot_OnValueChanged(System |
BSOs the facility lot_ on value changed.
IsEnabledDelete |
Determines whether [is enabled delete].
IsEnabledLoad |
Determines whether [is enabled load].
IsEnabledNew |
Determines whether [is enabled new].
IsEnabledSave |
Determines whether [is enabled save].
IsEnabledUndoSave |
Determines whether [is enabled undo save].
Load(System |
Loads this instance.
OnActivate(System |
Called when [activate].