[BSOFacilityLot] Lot Management (end user guide)

You will find the Batch and Lots module in the main menu under Materials Management / Change Stock / Lots.


In the module Lots you have the option to edit individual lots directly.

By default, Variobatch creates lots automatically during the running production process. To create or change lots manually, perform the following steps.

Create new lot:

  1. To create a new lot, click the New button.
  2. Use the automatically generated Gip lot number or enter any number.
    Note: By default, the lot number in Variobatch starts with the abbreviation FL (Facility Lot).
  3. Save the created data by clicking on the Save button.

Change existing lot:

  1. Select the lot you want to change from the Explorer on the right side of the screen.
  2. (Alternative): Use the search bar in the toolbar.
    1. Enter the desired lot number in the search field.
    2. Press Enter. The searched lot will be displayed if it exists.
  3. Change the desired paremeters.
  4. Seve the changed data by clicking on the Save button.

NameData typeDescription
Lot No.textGip lot number
Release StatusselectionRelease Status
MaterialstringMaterial number of the material linked to the lot.
Stock QuantitynumberQuantity in storage bin.
Stock WeightnumberCalculated weight. Used if the weight unit is not preset (for example, for material where the volume is used as the standard unit of measurement).
Expiration DatedateSpecifies the end of the retention period.
Fill DatedateTime at which the lot was posted to the storage bin.
Production DatedateTime at which the lot was created.
Storage Life RemainingnumberMinimum remaining shelf life in days.
CommenttextComment of the user.
EnabledboolLot is active
LockboolLot blocked for all postings
Not AvailableboolLot used in a posting is automatically set to Not Available.
External Lot No.textCustomer lot number.