[BSOFacilityBookCharge] Quant Management (end user guide)

A quant is a nameable quantity of a particular material with the same characteristics in a storage bin.

For example, if there is a quantity of the same material with two different batch numbers in one storage bin, then there are 2 quants in this storage bin.

You can find the  Quant Management in the main menu under Materials Management / Change Stock / Quant.


The Quant Management allows you to directly manipulate or correct quants in production.

By default, Variobatch automatically creates quants in the running production process on the system side. To create or change quants manually, carry out the following steps.

Create new Quant:

  1. To create a new quant, click in the New button.
  2. Select the Material of the quant.
  3. Select the Storage Bin of the quant.
  4. Select the Lot from which you want to post the quant.
  5. (Alternative): Create a new lot to which you want to assign the quant. To do this, click on the New Lot button.
    Note: You can only create a new lot if a material and a storage bin have already been selected.
  6. Save you entries by clicking the Save button.

Change existing quant:

  1. Select the quant you want to change from the Explorer on the right side of the screen.
  2. (Alternative): Use the search field in the toolbar.
    1. Enter the search term in the search field.
    2. Press Enter. The quants you are looking for are displayed in the Explorer.
  3. Change the desired parameters.
  4. Save the changed data by clicking on the Save button.