AcknowledgeSubAlarmsMsgList(gip |
Acknowledges all alarms that are active on any child component.
After acknowledging the alarms are remove from the alarmlist.
BeginAlarmTrans |
Start a new Transaction for adding mupltiple Alarmtexts
EndAlarmTrans |
Commit collected Alarms in _TransEntryList
FilterAlarm(System |
Override this methof if you want to filter new alarms, that should not be added to the alarmlist.
Return false to filter the alarm.
GetAlarms(System |
Queries this component and sub components for alarms.
GetAlarmsConfig(System |
Queries this component and sub components for alarms that are configured in a PAAlarmMessengerBase
IsAlarmActive(gip |
Determines it a alarm ist currently active.
If you want to write the alarm message to the log file, call this IsAlarmActive() method beforehand to check whether the same message is still pending. This will prevent the unnecessary and multiple output of the same message in the log file.
IsAlarmActive(System |
Determines it a alarm ist currently active.
If you want to write the alarm message to the log file, call this IsAlarmActive() method beforehand to check whether the same message is still pending. This will prevent the unnecessary and multiple output of the same message in the log file.
OnAlarmDisappeared(gip |
Removes an active Alarm from the alarmlist.
OnAlarmDisappeared(System |
Removes an active Alarm from the alarmlist.
OnNewAlarmOccurred(gip |
Use the OnNewAlarmOccurred() method to add a new entry to the alarm list.
If an unacknowledged alarm with the same message text already exists, no new entry is created.
If the message text is different, the existing message will be replaced with the new message.
OnNewAlarmOccurred(gip |
Use the OnNewAlarmOccurred() method to add a new entry to the alarm list.
If an unacknowledged alarm with the same message text already exists, no new entry is created.
If the message text is different, the existing message will be replaced with the new message.
OnNewAlarmOccurred(System |
Use the OnNewAlarmOccurred() method to add a new entry to the alarm list.
If an unacknowledged alarm with the same message text already exists, no new entry is created.
If the message text is different, the existing message will be replaced with the new message.
OnNewAlarmOccurred(System |
Use the OnNewAlarmOccurred() method to add a new entry to the alarm list.
If an unacknowledged alarm with the same message text already exists, no new entry is created.
If the message text is different, the existing message will be replaced with the new message.
OnSubAlarmChanged(gip |
Raises the event.
RefreshHasAlarms(System |
Refreshes the HasAlarms and AlarmsAsText property.