[BSOMaterial] 'Material (end user guide)

You can find the module Material in the main menu under Master Data / Material.


The material master data contains all the required information for a material in one data record.


You can enter and change most of the data contained in a material master record. There is also information that is only created by the system.


Rough classification of materials according to the following criteria:

Material according to intended use

  • raw materials
  • intermediate material
  • finished products


Material by Warehouse Management

  • Without Warehouse Management
  • With inventory management but without lot
  • Warehouse and batch management

Creating a new Material

  1. Click on the New Button in the toolbar.
  2.   Enter a Material Number and a Material Description.
    Note: When assigning material numbers, make sure that they are unique.
  3. (Optional) Further entries and general conditions can be freely selected and assigned.
  4. Save your entries .

NameData typeDescription
Material-No.TextUnique number of the material.
Material Desc. 1TextMaterial description
Material Desc. 2TextMaterial description
Material Desc. 3TextMaterial description
Material GroupSelectionGrouping of similar materials.
Base Unit of Measure (UOM)SelectionSI Unit of the material.
Net WeightNumberTotal weight of the product excluding its packaging.
Gross WeightNumberTotal weight of the product including its packaging.
Production WeightNumber 
CommentTextComment of the user.
Density [g/dm³]NumberMass density of the material in weight per volume.
AktiveBooleanMaterial is aktive and can be used.
Lot ManagedBoolean 
No negative StockBoolean 
In Storage LocationSelection 
Out Storage LocationSelection 
GMP-Material GroupSelection 
Inventory Management TypeSelection 
Facility Management TypeSelection 
Min. Stock QuantityNumber 
Opt. Stock QuantityNumber 
Production MaterialText 
Storage LifeNumber 
Usage Purchase OrderBoolean 
Usage Sales OrderBoolean 
Usage Own ProductBoolean 
Usage in WorkflowBoolean 
Manage Contractor StockBoolean 
Petroleum GroupSelection 
Ambient DensityNumber 
Is an IntermediateBooleanProduct that is not completely finished and is later processed into finished products.
Created onDateThe time at which the material was created.
Created byTextUser who added the material.
Updated onDateTime at which the material was edited.
Updated byTextUser who edited the material.


Material by usage

Material by usage can be input material or intermediate material - this is marked with flag.

Mixed materials exist only limited time during production as intermediate stage on way to final product.

Material by storage handling

without stock management
Water is sample of material where only quantity is matter, there is no input orders or lots.

with stock management but without lot
This is material where lot managment is not requiered or material not have lot no.

stock management and lot
this is most common case where material have stock management and lot tracking and lot is a part of final prodcut lot composition