[BSOMaterial] 'Material (end user guide)

Define descriptions:
  • alternative names
  • comment

This part enable us to define status of material: group, type is active and usage in Variobatch.

Section enable define material behavior in stock management. The most common definition points are:
  • FacilityManagementType  - can be:
    • Wihtout warehouse management
    • with warehouse management but without lot tracking
    • with warehouse management and with lot tracking

Once enabled lot tracking can't be disabled

Define base unit of measure
there from list of SI units is defined measure SI unit.
By defining next values
  • net weight
  • gross weight
  • production weight
  • density 
enable system to use this values by quantity recalculation by ware income, outcome and during production process

This is list of alternative units they is approved to use for this material.
There is defined
  • Multiplier
  • Divisor

They two value is used to conversion quantity values between SI and alternative unit.

This is helper tool for recalculation between units for customer information, there is no impact to stored values and quantities.