If the Configuration is for a Workflow-Node, then this is a additional key for faster access.
Comment |
ConfigACUrl |
Complete ACUrl: Composition of PreConfigACUrl and LocalConfigACUrl.
ConfigACUrl = PreConfigACUrl + LocalConfigACUrl
ConfigStore |
Reference to the "main table" of the group of semantically related tables. e.g. Material, BOM, ProductionOrder....
Expression |
String for individual usage.
KeyACUrl |
The KeyACUrl property contains a relative database URL from another (sub)table to the "main table" in a group of semantically related tables.
Relative means to the secondary keys that may already be set in the ACConfig table (e.g. MaterialID if it is a material configuration table).
If the KeyACUrl is empty, it means that it is a configuration for the main table (e.g. material).
Examples: ".\MaterialCalculation(4711)" means that this configuration is for the Child-Table MaterialCalculation where MaterialCalculationNo is 4711.
The KeyACUrl will automatically be set if the Configuration is added via IACConfigStore.NewACConfig(), because the IACConfigStore.ACConfigKeyACUrl returns this relative Url by itself.
A KeyACUrl can also contain a "Live"-ACUrl to a instance from a application-tree. e.g. "\Mixery\WeigherA\Motor"
For a relationship between two objects use the OR-Operator "||" (ACUrlHelper.Delimiter_Relationship) for separating more ACUrls.
e.g. "ACClass(Mixery)\ACClass(HopperscaleTypeA1)\PAPointMatOut1||ACClass(Mixery)\ACClass(Mixer)\PAPointMatIn1"
LocalConfigACUrl |
The LocalConfigACUrl points to a Property that is relative to the the object that is specified by KeyACUrl.
It can also used for something else, if you program a individual logic.
In most cases LocalConfigACUrl is used for addressing Properties of ACMethod's in Workflows or their configuratio properties.
e.g. "MixeryDef\Mixer(0)\Dosing(0)\SMStarting\SkipComponents" or "MixeryDef\Mixer(0)\Dosing(0)\Dosing\FlowRate1"
PreConfigACUrl |
Calling subworkflows is similar to calling a subprogram.
When calling subprograms, parameters must be passed for which only one call is valid for this one.
If the same subprogram is called from another program, other parameters must be passed.
This is also the case with workflows.
If you want to define other parameters for the subworkflow, you need to know where the subworkflow was called.
This is stored in this property.
VBACClass |
Reference to a ACClass-entity. See VBiACClassID
VBiACClassID |
If the configuration is for a concrete instance from the application tree, than this ID is set.