[BSOMaterialWF] Material-Workflow (Entwicklerhandbuch)

Methodenname/ID Klasse / Zusamm.
AddMaterialDlg Void

AddMaterialDlgCancel Void

AddMaterialOK Void

AddProcessWorkflow Void

Delete Void

DeleteMaterialWFRelation Void

Load Void

New Void

News this instance.

NewMaterialWFRelation Void

NewProcessWorkflowCancel Void

NewProcessWorkflowOk Void

RemoveMaterialConnection Void

RemoveProcessWorkflow Void

Save Void

Saves this instance.

Search Void

Searches this instance.

SetSelectedMaterial Void

UndoSave Void

Undoes the save.

Methodenname/ID Klasse / Zusamm.

Initializes a new instance of the class.


ACAction is called when one IACInteractiveObject (Source) wants to inform another IACInteractiveObject (Target) about an relevant interaction-event.


Called from a WPF-Control inside it's ACAction-Method when a relevant interaction-event as occured (e.g. Drag-And-Drop).


ACs the init.


Its invoked from a WPF-Itemscontrol that wants to refresh its CollectionView because the user has changed the LINQ-Expressiontree in the ACQueryDefinition-Property of IAccess. The BSO should execute the query on the database first, to get the new results for refreshing the CollectionView of the control. If the bso don't want to handle this request or manipulate the ACQueryDefinition it returns false. The WPF-control invokes then the IAccess.NavSearch()-Method itself.


Called from a WPF-Control when a relevant interaction-event as occured (e.g. Drag-And-Drop) and the related component should check if this interaction-event should be handled.


Determines whether [is enabled save].


Called inside the GetControlModes-Method to get the Global.ControlModes from derivations. This method should be overriden in the derivations to dynmically control the presentation mode depending on the current value which is bound via VBContent