[BSOFacilityLocation] Storage Location (end user guide)

Every facility can have other facilities contained. But by convention facility of type storage location is used for place other facility into it. In Storage location dialog on first level we see storage location, and every of this location contains facilities of other types: silos, storage bins, vehicle, vehicle container etc.

In storage bin table is only two data values displayed for identify facility:

  • No. - means facility no
  • Name - facility name

Other common to facility data are presented in editor show in picture above

First section

first section defines facility name and other data they identify facility and it's nature in system

  • No - edit facility no
  • Name - descriptive name for facility
  • Module - module used for guiding facility depends on facility nature, for example we have modules: silo, tank, scale etc.
  • Type - defines type of storage bin, you can choose any facility type:
    • Storage location
    • Storage bin
    • Tank/Silo/Cell/Scale Container
    • Vehicle
    • Vehicle Container
  • Stack Booking Type - there is selection of module guiding booking process, for exampe you can choose StandardCalculator

 Second section

in second section we have technical data about capacity of facility in weight and volume, and stock quatity limits and options

  • Min. Stock Quantity
  • Opt. Stock Quantity
  • Max. Volume Capacity
  • Max. Weight Capacity
  • Distance Front
  • Distance Back

Hinweis: Vorraussetzung für das Anlegen eine Lagerplatzes ist ein bereits angelegter Lagerort.

Lagerort anlegen

  1. Klicken Sie auf den Button Neuer Lagerplatz in der Lagerplätze Liste.
  2. Geben Sie eine Lagerplatznummer und eine Lagerplatzbezeichnung ein.
    Hinweis: Achten Sie bei der Vergabe von Lagerplatznummern darauf das diese eindeutig sind.
  3. (Optional) Weitere Eingaben und Rahmenbedingungen können Sie frei auswählen und vergeben.
  4. Speichern Sie Ihre Eingaben .