[BSOFacilityLocation] Storage Location (end user guide)

Generally facility in Variobatch means any module, device or part of factory they can store material.
In ground on menu item Master Data -> Facility we edit and maintain list of facilities they are used for
storing material for long time primary.

On first level and table in Storage location dialog we see by convention facilities of type storage location - used for contain other facilities, for example hall or some part of space in building defined as separated space identity.

Some of fields about quantity previewed in table are calculated from booking system.

Data for manipulation are:

  • Module - defines programmatic module for guiding storage bin, this module programmatic defines behavior of storage location
  • Locked facility - 
  • Incoming Facility - material query for storage location
  • Outgoing Facility - material destination from storage location

Next data presented in facility table can be defined for facility

NameData typeDescription
Nametextfacility descriptive name
No.textdefine facility no., most used for identify facility as code for it
Parent Facilitytextif facility is not top level, display container facility

This value defines type of facility usage:

  • Tank / Silo / Cell / Scale container - represent basic unit for storage material in form of silo
  • Storage location - this type is used for "top level" storage location for examle hall where other storage bins are placed
  • Storage bin - place for storage material generally
  • Vehicle - storage location in form of (auto) truck
  • Vehicle Container
Material selectionwitch material are stored in facility
Inward Enabledboolinward bookings on facility enabled
Outward Enabledbooloutward bookings enabled
Reserved Quantitynumber 
Ordered Quantitynumber 
Incoming Facilityselectionother facility - storage bin as sorce of material for this storage location
Outgoing Facilityselectionother facility - storage bin as target for material from this storage bin
Locked Facilityselection 
Companyselectioncompany owner of storage bin
Drivertextin case vehicle driver name
Taratextin case vehicle tara weight
Max. Weight Capacitynumber 
Max. Volume Capacitynumber 
Driver Namenumber 
Fittings Distance Front  
Fittings Distance Back  
Distance Front  
Distance Back  
Bill of Materials  
Ambient Density  
Vehicle Type  
Min. Stock Quantity  
Opt. Stock Quantity  
Commenttextuser comment
First Inward Date  
Last Inward Date  
First Expiration Date  
Last Expiration Date  
Has blocked Quantbool 
Availabile Spacenumberfree space in storage location
Created ondatetime and user manipulating informations    
Created bytext
Updated ondate
Updated bytext