[BSOMaterialWF] Material Workflow (end user guide)

The module BSOMaterialWF also offers the possibility to create material workflow via lists and drop-down menues. This is not a recommended method of creating material workflows, but if prefered you can use it. You also need to know that this way has the following limitations:

  • non-transparent view on the material workflow
  • manual editing of material sequences

The following image shows the lists of the material workflow text editor:


  1. Shows the Materials list with added intermediate products.
  2. Shows the list of intermediate products entered in the selected intermediate product.
  3. E.g. The intermediate product _ZW03 is selected in Materials list.
  4. E.g. Shows the intermediate products (_ZW02, _ZW01) that enters in the intermediate product _ZW03.

Creating a material workflow in the text editor:

  1. Select the tab Materials.
  2. To add a new intermediate product in the material workflow, click on the button New intermediate product, the dialog Add new material will be shown.
  3. Select the intermediate end product in the drop down menu (Note: First, you must add the intermediate end product before any other intermediate product, changes on the intermediate end product are not possible later.
  4. Click on the button OK, to add the intermediate product to the list.
  5. Add a another intermediate product. Select the intermediate product in the Materials list and click on the button New intermediate product.
  6. Edit the field sequence for the input intermediate products (Note: mandatory step if you want to sync with graphics material workflow designer later).
    Sequence example
    MaterialNo.Sequence level - MaterialNo.
    _ZW030 - _ZW02
    0 - _ZW01
    _ZW021 - _ZW01
  7. Save the changes.

Editing a material workflow with the text editor:

  • Add - for adding new intermediate products you can use the buttons New intermediate product or New part. When you use the button New part (Note: with this button you can only add the intermediate materials which are already in the Materials list), follow these instructions:
    1. Click on the button New part to add a new item to the input intermediate products list.
    2. Double click on the field Name on the newly crated item and select the intermediate product in the drop down menu that you want to add, to the selected intermediate product in the Materials list.

    3. Press the Tab key to apply changes.
    4. Save the changes.
  • Delete - for deleting intermediate products select the intermediate product that you want to delete and click on the button Delete part.

Sync with the graphical workflow version:

  1. Select the tab Workflows.
  2. Turn on designer (designmode).
  3. Open the ToolWindow.
  4. Click on the button "Text-Synchronisation" (Note: prerequisite - field sequences must be filled).