[BSOMaterialWF] Material Workflow (end user guide)

Please read the section "Linking workflows" in the introduction before you read more.

Adding workflows

The introduction explained that one or more workflows can be associated with a material workflow. To do this, do the following:

  1. The design mode must be turned off.
  2. Click the "Add workflow" button, Select the workflow, and click Ok. Note: There are no workflows listed in the list that are submethods!
  3. This new link appears as a new entry in the ComboBox on the left.
  4. If you want to assign another workflow, repeat step 2.


Linking workflow nodes

In the introduction, it was explained that the linking of intermediate products from the material workflow with the workflow nodes in the workflow is the last step to complete the procedure description. To do this, do the following:

  1. In the combobox, select the workflow. The selected workflow is displayed graphically below the right half of the screen.
  2. Select a workflow node that you want to link to the intermediate product. Please remember that the displayed workflow is typically a parent workflow that calls submethods (subworkflows). The workflow nodes that you must link are located in the subworkflow. therefore, you open the context menu on the calling workflow node and click "Details". Now you see the subworkflow with its nodes. Alternatively, you can click the "Details" button after you have selected the calling workflow node.
  3. "Drag and drop" the selected workflow node onto the intermediate product (node in the material workflow on the left half of the screen).
  4. A red line appears that represents the link.
  5. If you want to create more links, go to step 2.
  6. If you have assigned more than one workflow, go to step 1 and select the next workflow.
  7. Save your changes



Removing connections:

  1. Select the intermediate product from which you want to remove a connection.
  2. Open the context menu (click on right mouse button) and click on the command Remove WF connection.
  3. Click on the button Yes in the dialog.
  4. Save the changes.

  1. In principle, each workflow node can be linked to one or more intermediate nodes. This often makes no sense. The decisive factor is the implementation of the workflow node, whether it evaluates this link information at all and whether it is semantically correct. To do this, you must read the appropriate documentation for the workflow class.
  2. Workflow nodes that are material receiving nodes must be linked to an intermediate!
  3. Workflow nodes that are material forwarding nodes can be linked to an intermediate product. A Merkregel for this is: whenever quantities of intermediate products are measured or material economically relevant, a link should be Created. Since the last material forwarding node in a workflow usually "stores" the finished product, this indicates that it should be connected to the last intermediate Product.
  4. Workflow nodes that call submethods or subworkflows are typically associated with an intermediate product. If Variobatch.MES is used in the process industry, starting a new subworkflow is the same as batch operation. The production of a batch is either an intermediate product or a finished product (= last intermediate product in the material workflow).

You can configure each workflow node here in the context of the material workflow. The material workflow is the context order after the third stage in which you can override the parameters (Third concretisation level). Please refer to the section "Workflow Configuration/Overwrite parameters".