[BSOiPlusWorkflow] Workflow (end user guide)

How a workflow node behaves during runtime depends not only on what class it comes from, but rather on its parameterization. The parameterization is divided into three categories:

  • Configuration of the workflow node itself
  • Parameterization of method parameters for calling functions in the physical model (application)
  • Routing rules

A workflow node cannot be parameterized in design mode. If a red border appears around the workflow diagram, you must turn off design mode by clicking the red triangle in the status bar. The red border and the tool window disappear. The application is back in view mode. Now select a workflow node and open the control dialog via the context menu.

Parameter list

You use the configuration of the workflow node to influence its own behavior. Its behavior is determined by its properties or parameters. Which parameters are adjustable defines the workflow class from which the workflow node originated. Please refer to the corresponding class documentation to understand the meaning of the parameters. The configurable parameters are listed in the parameter list (1).



Parameter change

The "Value" column displays the currently valid value. If the value is empty, a default value is assumed. If you want to change the value, select the corresponding parameter in the parameter list and press the "Override parameter" button (2). Thus, a editor (3) appears in the lower part of the window with which you can change or overwrite the value.


Explanation of the term "overriding":

When using iPlus.MES, workflows are referenced from different contexts or data objects and displayed on the user-interface. The contexts set on each other in a specific order. At all these stages, each parameter can be refined or concretized or overridden by each workflow node contextual. In iPlus.MES there is the following predetermined order of contexts/data objects:

  1. Subworkflows
  2. Calls of subworkflows through workflownodes from a parent workflow
  3. Materialworkflow
  4. Bill of material
  5. Production order


Parameter removal

Overriding a parameter means that a new entry is made in the "Overrides" table (4). Here you see the context-order backward, where this parameter was previously overridden. To delete your parameter override, click the "Remove overridden parameter" button (5). The row disappears from the table and the last overridden value from the context order becomes valid again.


Reference search

In the tab "reference search" you can find out on which other data objects the selected parameter was overridden. Only the data objects are displayed that are of the same type (or at the same concretisation level) as the current context in which the workflow is displayed.
For example, when the workflow is displayed in the context of the selected Bill of Material (BOM is data object), all other BOMs in which this parameter was overridden are shown in the reference search. If the context is a production order, the reference search only searches for production orders.

You start the search with the button "Search" (1). Optionally, you can enter ranges (2) to reduce the result set.



Bulk update

A parameter change of a particular parameter can be very time-consuming if many data objects have overridden this parameter because you need to navigate through many data objects and select the corresponding workflow node that you want to modify.

This is simplified by using the "Apply to selected data objects" button (3). To do this, first check the corresponding data object in the column "Selected".

Parameter list

Workflow nodes that are bound to a physical model call a "method" during runtime and thus start a function on the occupied machine. The behavior of a function is determined by its parameterization. Parameterization is done by "filling out" the parameter list, which has a method. A function can also offer several methods if it works with different parameter sets. When editing the workflow, however, the specific method is selected and the parameter set is also set from the beginning. This parameter set is edited in the parameter list (1) which is located in the second tab "Method":


 Method parameters (WF)


Note: If a workflow node comes from a class that does not rely on a physical model, then this tab is invisible.


Parameter change

The "Value" column displays the currently valid value. If the value is empty, a default value is assumed. If you want to change the value, select the corresponding parameter in the parameter list and press the "Override parameter" button (2) (The term "overriding" was explained in the previous paragraph). Thus, a editor (3) appears in the lower part of the window with which you can change or overwrite the value.


Parameter removal

Overriding a parameter means that a new entry is made in the "Overrides" table (4). Here you see the context-order backward, where this parameter was previously overridden. To delete your parameter override, click the "Remove overridden parameter" button (5). The row disappears from the table and the last overridden value from the context order becomes valid again.


Reference search

In the tab "reference search" you can find out on which other data objects the selected parameter was overridden. Only the data objects are displayed that are of the same type (or at the same concretisation level) as the current context in which the workflow is displayed.
For example, when the workflow is displayed in the context of the selected Bill of Material (BOM is data object), all other BOMs in which this parameter was overridden are shown in the reference search. If the context is a production order, the reference search only searches for production orders.

You start the search with the button "Search" (1). Optionally, you can enter ranges (2) to reduce the result set.


Bulk update

A parameter change of a particular parameter can be very time-consuming if many data objects have overridden this parameter because you need to navigate through many data objects and select the corresponding workflow node that you want to modify.

This is simplified by using the "Apply to selected data objects" button (3). To do this, first check the corresponding data object in the column "Selected".


Important: Run-time behavior!

Before a workflow node calls the method with the most recent values (override order) on the physical model, it can still modify or add those values itself, according to its implementation.

In the section "Run-time behavior and physical model", it was explained that group nodes occupy physical resources. So-called "Routing rules" can be used to influence them.

Occupied resources (machines) process materials or make products. In automated processes, the material/product to be processed must be transported from or to the machine. Often, several machines are connected in series or in a network. Whence and whereto the materials should be transported can also be defined by routing rules.

Workflow nodes that receive material are referred to as "Material receiving nodes". Workflow nodes that delivers material are referred to as "Material forwarding nodes".

Routing rules can therefore be set for three different types of workflow nodes:

  1. Group nodes
  2. Material receiving nodes
  3. Material forwarding nodes

You select the rule you want to set in the "Rule list" (1). In the "Rule Settings" editor (2), make the settings:



Definitions in advance

"Route search": In active workflows, material receiving- and material forwarding nodes have the task to find a suitable transport route in an industrial production plant. Restrictions must be taken from different levels of definition. The result of a route search is an optimal route, which consists of a branched and directed list of control modules and serves as a instruction for the electrotechnical control on field level.

"Control module": Electronic Modul electronic module that is used to control mechanical components/devices.


Rules for group nodes

"Allowed instances": Here you can limit the selection of the occupieable resources/process modules. If you do not select a process module, the group node can take into account all resources that originate from the same "Application-definition-class".


Rules for material receiving- and forwarding nodes

"Excluded process modules":
A Material transport can only be carried out between two process modules, as they are able to either store material or produce material for a new intermediate or final product.

  • In the case of material receiving nodes, it means that the required materials must be obtained from other process modules (predecessors). These predecessors are listed here.
  • For material forwarding nodes, on the other hand, it means that the processed material should be transported to other process modules (successors). These successors are listed here.

By checking a process module, you create a rule that states that the route search should exclude this process module.

"Excluded module types":
If the path relationships were defined by the IPlus-engineer on a very detailed level by including control modules, then all types of control modules are listed here, which were determined during the route search. If you want the route search algorithm to find only ways in which certain control modules are not to be used, check the corresponding module type.

"Routes preference":
If the result of the route search is not sufficient due to the aforementioned restrictions "Allowed instances", "Excluded process modules" and "Excluded module types", one or more exact routes can be predefined in advance via the "routes preference". The Material receiving node will no longer calculate routes itself, but it will select the first free route from the predefined ones. To define a new route, click the Add-button. More detailed can be read in the document "Route selection dialog". The View-button also opens the "Route selection dialog" to graphically view or change the selected route. To remove a route, please click the "Delete"-button.


Common rules

With a breakpoint, you can pause the workflow processing in advance at specific locations. The corresponding workflow node is not started and waits for an active intervention of the operator. You can set a breakpoint on almost all workflow nodes. Alternatively, you can set or remove a breakpoint by using the context menu. If a breakpoint is set, you will see the "Stop" icon, which appears at the bottom left of a workflow node.



Routing rules can be overridden in the same way as configuration- or method parameters contextual. See "Overwrite explanation" in the previous section. To determine the order of the contexts, to override the routing rules, see the Grouping (3) in the rule list.

Routing-Regeln können genau so wie Konfigurations- oder Methodenparameter kontextabhängig überschrieben werden. Siehe "Erläuterung Überschreiben" im vorigen Abschnitt. In the grouping (3) of the rule list, you recognize the order of the contexts.

You can recognize a configured workflow node in the workflow diagram by its icons that appear in the corners.:

"Overridden in this context". This icon appears when either

  1. a configuration- or methodparameter was overridden
  2. or a routing rule was defined

in this context

"Defined in previous contexts". This icon appears when the workflow node is configured but the configuration comes from a previous context.

"Breakpoint set". This icon appears when the routing rule breakpoint was set - regardless of whether it is set in this or any of the preceding contexts.