
Property Name/ID Data Type / Summary
ACCaption String

Translated Label/Description of this instance (depends on the current logon)

ACIdentifier String

Unique Identifier in a Parent-/Child-Relationship.

ACType IACType

Metadata (iPlus-Type) of this instance. ATTENTION: IACType are EF-Objects. Therefore the access to Navigation-Properties must be secured using the QueryLock_1X000 of the Global Database-Context!

BussinessobjectList IACConfig

ParentACObject IACObject

Returns the parent object

Property Name/ID Data Type / Summary

A "content list" contains references to the most important data that this instance primarily works with. It is primarily used to control the interaction between users, visual objects, and the data model in a generic way. For example, drag-and-drop or context menu operations. A "content list" can also be null.


Gets or sets the with the specified property.


Property requiered by IACEntityProperty shema - instance properties shuld replace this