ACUrlBinding(System |
Method that returns a source and path for WPF-Bindings by passing a ACUrl.
ACUrlCommand(System |
The ACUrlCommand is a universal method that can be used to query the existence of an instance via a string (ACUrl) to:
1. get references to components,
2. query property values,
3. execute method calls,
4. start and stop Components,
5. and send messages to other components.
DeleteACObject(gip |
Deletes this entity-object from the database
EntityCheckAdded(System |
Method for validating values and references in this EF-Object.
Is called from Change-Tracking before changes will be saved for new unsaved entity-objects.
EntityCheckModified(System |
Method for validating values and references in this EF-Object.
Is called from Change-Tracking before changes will be saved for changed entity-objects.
GetACUrl(gip |
Returns a ACUrl relatively to the passed object.
If the passed object is null then the absolute path is returned
GetACUrlComponent(gip |
Returns the ACUrl that a reel instance will have in runtime.
GetChildEntityObject(System |
Returns a related EF-Object which is in a Child-Relationship to this.
IsEnabledACUrlCommand(System |
This method is called before ACUrlCommand if a method-command was encoded in the ACUrl
IsEnabledDeleteACObject(gip |
Check if entity-object can be deleted from the database
OnEntityPropertyChanged(System |
Forces to fire INotitfyPropertyChanged from outside
I property-Parameter is null, then all calculated Properties in Partial-Class are notifying