[BSOiPlusStudio] Entwicklungsumgebung (Endbenutzerhandbuch)

Properties group

In group Properties are showed all properties (also included properties from base component/s) which selected component contains. The user interface is splited on two sections:

  • Property explorer – table with list of all properties for a selected component
  • Property editor – editor for selected property in property explorer
    • Part 1. – general data about properties
    • Part 2. – data about min, max values and length

Explanation of a list with available properties:

NameData typeDesc
PropertyName/IDtextDefine a unique name for the property
Data TypeACTypeRepresents the property data type
Generic TypetextRepresents the property generic type if exist
NullableYes/NoDetermines is property nullable or not
DescriptiontextDescription of the property
ClassACClassRepresents the ACClass in which is property defined
SortindexnumberDefine a sort index for the property
PropertyTypeACKindsRepresents the type of property
GrouptextRepresents the group in which property belongs
UsageACKindsRepresents the usage of property
EnumerableYes/NoDetermines is property enumerable or not
RefreshrateMaxRefreshRateRepresents a refresh rate for the property
RightsmanagementYes/NoDetermines is property available in rightmanagement or not
Interaction propertyYes/NoDetermines is property interaction or not
Broadcast in Netw.Yes/NoDetermines is property broadcast in network or not
Force BroadcastYes/NoDetermines is property forces broadcast or not
InputYes/NoDetermines is enabled input on the property or not
OutputYes/NoDetermines is enabled output on the property or not
PersistableYes/NoDetermines is property persistable or not
MinlengthnumberRepresents the miminum property value length
MaxlengthnumberRepresents the maximum property value length
MinvaluevalueRepresents the minimum property value
MaxvaluevalueRepresents the maximum property value
SerializableYes/NoDetermines is property serializable or not

In section Property editor you can edit data about selected property. Some fields can't be changed, on example: PropertyType. Property editor conatins almost all fields which is explained in Property explorer, but it also contains four another fields:

NameData typeDesc
Commenttextthe comment about this property
ControlVBControl - linkthe VBControl which is intended for this property
Iconimagethe icon for this property
Valuevaluethe property value, which depends on property type

iPlus supprots the virtual properties (properties which is not defined in assembly). In iPlus studio you can manage these virtual properties. Virtual property has a property type Property(Ext).

How to add a new virtual property

  1. Select a component in which you want add a new virtual property
  2. Click on the button New Property to add a new virtual property
  3. Fill all required data about newlly created virtual property (*note: Field Propertyname/ID is only editable when you create a vritual property, later you can't change this field)
  4. Save changes

How to delete a existing virtual property

  1. Select the virtual property that you want to delete
  2. Click on the button Delete Property to delete selected virtual property
  3. Save changes