[BSOInOrder] Bestellung (Entwicklerhandbuch)
Assigns the in order pos.
Deletes this instance.
Deletes the in order pos.
News this instance.
News the in order pos.
Saves this instance.
Searches this instance.
Unassigns the in order pos.
Undoes the save.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
ACAction is called when one IACInteractiveObject (Source) wants to inform another IACInteractiveObject (Target) about an relevant interaction-event.
ACs the init.
Handles the PropertyChanged event of the CurrentInOrderPos control.
Determines whether [is enabled assign in order pos].
Determines whether [is enabled delete].
Determines whether [is enabled delete in order pos].
Determines whether [is enabled load].
Determines whether [is enabled new].
Determines whether [is enabled new in order pos].
Determines whether [is enabled save].
Determines whether [is enabled unassign in order pos].
Determines whether [is enabled undo save].
Loads this instance.
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