[BSOInOrder] Bestellung (Entwicklerhandbuch)



Eigenschaftsname/ID Datentyp / Zusamm.
AccessFilterMaterial Material

AccessInOrderPos InOrderPos

Gets the access in order pos.

AccessOpenContractPos InOrderPos

Gets the access delivery note pos.

AccessPrimary InOrder

Gets the access primary.

AvailableCompMaterialList CompanyMaterial

BillingCompanyAddressList CompanyAddress

Gets the billing company address list.

ChangeTargetQuantity Double

CompanyMaterialPickupList CompanyMaterialPickup

CurrentBillingCompanyAddress CompanyAddress

Gets the current billing company address.

CurrentCompanyMaterialPickup CompanyMaterialPickup

CurrentDeliveryCompanyAddress CompanyAddress

Gets the current delivery company address.

CurrentDistrbutorCompanyAddress CompanyAddress

Gets the current distrbutor company address.

CurrentInOrder InOrder

Gets or sets the current in order.

CurrentInOrderPos InOrderPos

Gets or sets the current in order pos.

CurrentMDUnit MDUnit

Gets or sets the current MU quantity unit.

CurrentOpenContractPos InOrderPos

Gets or sets the current in order pos.

DeliveryCompanyAddressList CompanyAddress

Gets the delivery company address list.

DistributorCompanyList Company

Gets the distributor company list.

FilterDelivDateFrom DateTime

FilterDelivDateTo DateTime

FilterMaterial String

FilterMaterialList Material

InOrderList InOrder

Gets the in order list.

InOrderPosList InOrderPos

Gets the in order pos list.

MDTransportModeList MDTransportMode

MDUnitList MDUnit

Gets the MU quantity unit list.

OpenContractPosList InOrderPos

Gets the in order pos list.

PartialQuantity Double

SelectedAvailableCompMaterial CompanyMaterial

SelectedCompanyMaterialPickup CompanyMaterialPickup

SelectedFilterMaterial Material

SelectedInOrder InOrder

Gets or sets the selected in order.

SelectedInOrderPos InOrderPos

Gets or sets the selected in order pos.

SelectedOpenContractPos InOrderPos

Gets or sets the selected in order pos.

Eigenschaftsname/ID Datentyp / Zusamm.