Advanced programming

So that external systems can access the service components or object model of the configured applications, you need the OPCUAClientACService class, which you add to an application project. As a rule, you should use the service application project as it is set in the example project database.

In order for the OPC UA server to start, it needs a configuration file. The settings you can make there are described in the OPCFoundation:

In the gip.core.communication project on GitHub, we have already put together a suitable one for you:

In the engineering environment, enter the full path to this file and leave out the ".Config.xml" extension. Make sure that the component is set to autostart. Start iPlus as a server. From this moment on, you can access it with an OPC client. You can use the OPC Foundation sample client:

Enter the URL set in the OPC configuration file into the client's connection line and press Connect. Select the security mode. For an encrypted transfer, you need a certificate that you have to create. You can read more about this in the OPCFoundation documentation. In the example above, we do not use encryption but authenticate ourselves using UserName. The UserName is the user that you have set up in the iplus user management. In our example, we use superuser:superuser because in the example project, this has full rights to all application trees, properties and methods.