To show a progress dialog, call "ShowDialog" with the design name "Progress" (constant DesignNameProgressBar) after calling "RunWorkerAsync ()":
ShowDialog(this, DesignNameProgressBar);
The following dialog appears:
Initialize and change progress
You can initialize the progress bar and the current progress in your method that is to be executed in the background. In the example above, it would be the MyAsyncTask method:
void MyAsyncTask ()
CurrentProgressInfo.TotalProgress. ProgressText = "My progress text" ;
CurrentProgressInfo.TotalProgress. ProgressRangeFrom = 0;
CurrentProgressInfo.TotalProgress. ProgressRangeTo = 1000;
CurrentProgressInfo.TotalProgress.ProgressCurrent = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i <1000; i ++)
CurrentProgressInfo.TotalProgress. ProgressCurrent ++ ;
// Do some work
CurrentProgressInfo is a property of ACBSO and is of the type "gip.core.datamodel. ProgressInfo ":
public class ProgressInfo : INotifyPropertyChanged, IVBProgress
public TaskProgressInfo TotalProgress { get; }
public List<TaskProgressInfo> SubTaskList { get; }
ProgressInfo in turn consists of "gip.core.datamodel. TaskProgressInfo " instances. The "TotalProgess" property shows the overall progress and the "SubTaskList" list can show many more sub-progresses.
public class TaskProgressInfo : INotifyPropertyChanged
public int ProgressRangeFrom { get; set; }
public int ProgressRangeTo { get; set; }
public int ProgressCurrent { get; set; }
public string ProgressText { get; set; }
Before starting the task, define the area of the progress bar with the ProgressRangeFrom and ProgressRangeTo properties. During execution, increment the ProgressCurrent property so that the progress bar in the dialog is updated.
To display further progress bars for subtasks, use the " AddSubTask " method :
int rangeFrom = 0, rangeTo = 100;
ProgressInfo.AddSubTask("MySubTaskname", rangeFrom, rangeTo);
To update the current progress of a subtask, use the ReportProgress method :
void ReportProgress(string subTaskName, int? progressCurrent, string newProgressText = null)
You pass the task name in the first parameter. Pass null if you want to update the main progress bar.
In the second parameter you pass the current progress. At zero nothing is changed.
Pass the progress text in the third parameter. At zero nothing is changed.
// Sets the current progress of a subtask (ProgressCurrent of a instance in SubTaskList):
ProgressInfo.ReportProgress("MySubTaskname", mySubTaskCounter);
// Changes the progresstext of a subtask (ProgressText of a instance in SubTaskList):
ProgressInfo.ReportProgress("MySubTaskname", null, "Completed");
// Changes the total progress (TotalProgress.ProgressCurrent):
ProgressInfo.ReportProgress(null, myMainCounter);
// Changes the progresstext of the main header (TotalProgress.ProgressText):
ProgressInfo.ReportProgress(null, null, "Completed");
ReportProgess triggers the ProgressCurrent event that is linked to the virtual method from ACBSO. You can override this method if you are interested.
public virtual void BgWorkerProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
Individual Design
If you do not like the "Progress" design from ACBSO, you can display the dialog with your own design. Either you make a base class for all of your BSO's in which you overwrite the "Progress" design or you assign a new name. The default design uses the iPlus control " gip.core.layoutengine. VBProgressBar " to display:
Bind the ProgressRangeFrom property to the RangeBase.Minimum property, ProgressRangeTo and RangeBase.Maximum, and ProgressCurrent to RangeBase.Value .