The special thing about event points is that when an event occurs, callback methods are called at the client component. These callback methods have the following signature:
public delegate void ACPointNetEventDelegate(IACPointNetBase sender, ACEventArgs e, IACObject wrapObject);
A client component must provide such a delegate method and pass it for subscribing the event by calling one of the Subscribe methods that provides the IACPointEventSubscr<T> interface:
ACPointEventSubscrWrap<T> SubscribeEvent(IACObject atACComponent, string eventName, ACPointNetEventDelegate AsyncCallbackDelegate);
ACPointEventSubscrWrap<T> SubscribeEvent(IACObject atACComponent, string eventName, string asyncCallbackDelegateName);
bool SubscribeAllEvents(IACComponent atACComponent, ACPointNetEventDelegate AsyncCallbackDelegate);
To unsubscribe an event, the delegate does not have to be passed:
bool UnSubscribeEvent(IACComponent atACComponent, string eventName);
bool UnSubscribeAllEvents(IACComponent atACComponent);
bool UnSubscribeAllEvents(IACComponent atACComponent);
bool UnSubscribeAllEvents();