[BSOiPlusStudio] Development Environment (end user guide)

Projects consist of at least two elements, the definition and the first derivative of it, the application. You can display existing projects using the button Explorer. Without your own projects, only the existing standard projects are displayed there.

Note: A new project in the current version of iPlus will not be displayed in the Explorer until iPlus Studio has been started again.

Creating a definition project

First, create a new definition project.

  1. Create a new project definition and a new project in the Content menu using the button, alternatively with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + N. The input mask ACProjectNew opens.
  2. Enter on example MixeryDef as Projectname and select Appdefinitionproject in the combobox Projecttype.
  3. Save your entries with the OK button.

Creating an application project

Now create a new application project.

  1. To do this, open the ACProjectNew window again.
  2. Enter on example Mixery as Projectname and select Applicationproject in the combobox Projecttype.
  3. Under Baseproject select your previously created project definintion MixeryDef.
  4. Save your entries with the OK button.


If elements are included in the definition before an application is created, they are copied to the application identically. If you wish to extend the definition later, you will be asked if you want to apply these elements before saving.

Project in iPlus can be edited on two ways:

  • via context menu on project tree
  • via project library window (only available for application and application definition project)

Context menu editing
Click on the right mouse button to open a context menu on some selected component. Commands for project editing are shown on the following picture:


  • New Class - adds a new class in parent class of selected class, in this case adds a new class under Mixery root class
  • New Subclass - add a new class into selected class. in this case adds a new class under class HopScale1
  • Switch baseclass - changes the base class of selected class
  • Delete Class - deletes the selected class 

Commands New Class, New Subclass and Switch baseclass uses dialogs to perform the appropriate task. When you use commands New class or subclass, system opens the New Class dialog where you will need enter a Classname/ID and select the base class if it necessary. Command Switch baseclass opens the Swtich class dialog and you need select target base class for this component. Operation switch base class only possible if selected component is not used somewhere in class hierarchy.

Project library editing
This type of project editing only supports adding a new classes, but this way is faster and simpler. To add classes, you can access a variety of existing base classes. To create a new class, open the Project Library in the Project window with the Library button. There you will see the available base classes listed.

Project library editing is described by following example:

Start by creating a Silo with integrated screw. In the Project Library under Variolibrary / PA Process Module you will find the class PAMSilo which serves as basis for our silo.

  1. Drag and Drop the class PAMSilo into the Project window on the project definition MixeryDef
  2. After inserting the new class enter SILOWSCR into the textbox Class and Silo with screw into the textbox Description.
  3. Confirm each entry with Tab or Enter.

*Note: The Class (classname) can be changed only when is added, later you can't change the class name. Only the description can be changed as desired.

*Note: Keep the class names as short as possible. The individual names are transferred vie URL. This could lead to delays in high-performance systems with many classes.

  1. Select the project that you want to delete in Explorer
  2. Click on the button Delete 

Project tree in iPlus studio has a possibility to search and filtering classes. Root project and Classlibraryproject haven't filter possibility. 

Search class in project tree:

  1. Enter the keyword in search box
  2. Press the key Enter

Available fitler items:

  • Process Module
  • Module
  • Process Function
  • Background Module

Filter class in project tree:

  • Check or uncheck available filter items