[BSOiPlusStudio] Development Environment (end user guide)

Relationships between connection points can be defined in this tab, that are later used when the iPlus-Service starts and relates ACComponent instances in the physical model. 

Relationships in the physical model can be defined from different aspects. They are stored in the ACClassPropertyRelation table. The different implementations of the connection point classes then decide which ACClassPropertyRelation entries they want to build up the physical model in memory.

Relationships are defined by drag-and-drop:


  1. Select the target component in the left application tree.
  2. Select the source component in the right application tree.
  3. Select the connection point of the source component and drag it to the connection point of the target component (Drag and Drop).
  4. A new entry appears in the "Connections from" list, which is stored in the ACClassPropertyRelation table with ConnectionTypeIndex = 11 (Global.ConnectionTypes.ConnectionPhysical).