[BSOiPlusStudio] Development Environment (end user guide)


In iPlus design are elements from which system generates a user interface. Design management in iPlus studio contains: 

  • Designs explorer
  • Design info
  • Designer
  • Menu editor
  • Bitmap import

Design explorer contains the table with list of all designs (also inherited designs) for the selected component.

Explanation of a list with Designs:
NameData typeDesc
Designname/IDtextthe unique name of a design
Descriptiontextthe descrtiption of a design
Keytextrepresents a design key
ClassACClassrepresents a class in which is defined design
Grouptextrepresents a design group
DesigntypeACKindrepresents a design type
UsageACUsagesrepresents a design usage
Sortindexnumberthe sort index of a design
Rightsmanagementyes/nodetermines is design in rightmanagement or not
Defaultyes/nodetermines is design default or not
Commenttextthe comment of design
DatatypeACTypeRepresents the design datatype
Max recursion designerobjectsnumber 
Compiledyes/noDetermines is design compiled in BAML or not

Design info contains details about selected design in designs explorer. In design info you can change following items:

  • Description
  • Sort index
  • Design width
  • Design height
  • Design datatype
  • Is design Resource style

Designer tool in Design management is used for editing designs in the system. Details about Designer tool is in the VBDesigner chapter - Read more about VBDesigner. iPlus studio design management also supports the design compilation in BAML (Binary Application Markup Language) format. To compile your design, click on the button Compile Design. If is design successfully compiled you will see in designs explorer tick in field Compiled.

In iPlus studio designer you can start application directly from designer (e.g. when you design some BSO, you can start it from designer). To start application from iPlus studio click on the button Start application.

The menu editor is tool for build or edit main menus in the iPlus system. This tool, only appears when is design of type(design usage) DUMainMenu selected in the design explorer.

To learn about Menu editor please read the subsection Main menu manipulation.