[BSOiPlusStudio] Development Environment (end user guide)

In the tab Method is shown all available properties (also included properties from base component/s) which selected component contains.

The tab Method in the iPlus studio is grouped by six groups (group availability depends on component type):

  • Methods - shows all available methods
  • Assemblymethods - shows only methods that are defined in assembly
  • Scriptmethods - shows only script methods, this is methods which are defined in iPlus studio
  • Workflows - shows only worklfow methods
  • Submethod - shows only process submethods
  • States - shows only states

Explanation of a list with available methods:

NameData typeDesc
Method Name/IDtextthe method name/ID
Descriptiontextthe description of a method
Keytextthe method key
ClassACClassthe class from which is method
Grouptextthe group in which method is it
Method TypeACKindsthe type of a method
Sortindexnumberthe sort index of a method
Command Methodyes/nodetermines is method command or not
Interaction Methodyes/nodetermines is method interaction or not
Async. Process Methodyes/nodetermines is method async. process or not
Periodicyes/nodetermines is method peridic or not
Rights Managementyes/nodetermines is method in right management or not
Autoenabledyes/nodetermines is method autoenabled or not
Submethodyes/nodetermines is method submethod or not
Continue on Erroryes/nodetermines is method continue on error
Commenttextthe comment of a method
Persistableyes/nodetermines is method persistable or not
Contextmenu Categorynumberthe method category in the context menu - todo add link to enum 
Is RPC Enabledyes/nodetermines is remote procedure call enabled on method or not, it used for TwinCAT communication
Attacted from Classtext 
Created ondate and time date and time when is method created
Created bytext the user who is create a method
Updated ondate and time date and time when is method updated
Updated bytext the user who is create a method