[BSOiPlusStudio] Development Environment (end user guide)

In case that you want add a new main menu. Please read a section: How to add design, if you haven't already.

There on the step 4. Choose a design usage, you must select the: Main menu (DUMainMenu).

The main menu in the iPlus system is organized in tree form. The following image shows the main menu example in edtior:

  1.  The root menu item - represents the container menu item. Here can't be declared any ACUrl command.
  2.  The separator - represents the red line separation between two menu items (eg. Workflow and Administration)
  • Red line - represents the menu items that are shown in main menu on start screen
  • Green line - represents the menu items which are under other menu item (eg. Master Data)
  • Blue line - represents the menu item which are under other menu item, but one level lower in the hierarchy (eg. Administration)

There are 4 command to manipulate with menu items:

  • Insert Submenuentry - inserts the menu entry under selected menu item (as a child menu item of selected menu item).
  • Delete menuentry - deletes the selected menu entry and all his submenu entries (children)
  • Append menuentry - appends the menu entry on the end of same level where is selected menu entry
  • Insert menuentry