The list is sorted by the "sequence" column. The "sequence" is used in automated production when workflows are active. The "sequence" is a rule for "material receiving" nodes which material should be used or dosed in which order.
In the detail area on the right side you can change the following fields:
- Material - ComboBox to select the material. Only the materials that have been defined in the "Components" tab can be selected. The same material can be assigned as a use for several intermediate products. The target quantity in the component tab must then be split. Please make sure that the sum of these partial quantities is equal to the target quantity in the component tab.
- Target quantity (UOM) - Target quantity in the base unit of measure according to material master
- Target quamtity - Conversion field to specify or display the target quantity in an alternative unit of measure. If no alternative units of measure have been maintained in the material master, the base unit of measure (UOM) is used.
"New Input" button
A blank line is inserted. In the details pane, select the appropriate material and enter the target quantity.
"Delete Input" button
The currently selected row is deleted. Only input materials that have been defined in the component list can be deleted. Input material that is an intermediate product cannot be deleted because this is a preset from the material workflow.