[BSOPartslist] Bill of Materials (end user guide)

Editing partslist tab picture:

This section indicates which material is produced in which quantity with the BOM (output). 

  • Material - ComboBox to select the Material. Defines which material number receives the last intermediate product when it is produced by a production order. This material number is used to increase the stock during production.
  • Reference quantity (UOM)-Specifies how much this BOM produces based on the set quantities that are specified in the material list (components). The quantity is specified in the base unit of measure (UOM) according to the material master. For piece goods (UOM = piece), the value is usually "1". In the case of recipes, usually 100 (because at the same time the components should be interpreted as %).
  • Reference size - Conversion field to specify or display the reference quantity in an alternative unit of measure. If no alternative units of measure have been maintained in the material master, the base unit of measure (UOM) is used.
  • Production Weight  -standard batch size which serves as a default value in production. Can be left blank.

Validation and approval (use permission in a production order)

  • Enabled - Production is allowed.
  • Valid from/to - Limitation of the validity period. (the "Enabled" check mark must be set).
  • Standard - Standard BOM indicator. Used to automatically select the correct BOM if there are multiple BOM versions. This indicator is usually queried for the automatic generation of production orders or when importing production orders when only the material number is transferred.
  • Check routes button - Executes some validation algorithms if the material workflow has been linked to workflows:
    • Have all the components been assigned to an intermediate product?
    • Are all intermediate products in the material workflow linked to workflow nodes?
    • Validations with the physical model
      • Can all resources/machines be assigned after all routing rules have been applied?
        are capacity overruns possible?
      • Can all materials from the material list (components) be obtained from the corresponding resources?
      • Other project-specific validations that have been added

In dropdown can be choosed Material workflow for this partslist. Material workflow is abstract definition of mixing material steps. It's represent a grid they defines order how input materials, and later it's mixures will by mixed until output material stands.

After selection command Set MaterialWF is available for confirming this material workflow. This command will be store reference partslist to material workflow but will generate intermediate materials they each one covers every mixing point.