Connection string in the configuration file
The SQL connections for the Entity Framework are defined in the configuration section:
If you only use IPlus without the MES functionality, you only need to specify the connection string named "iPlusV4_Entities". If you want to use the MES functionality, you must set another connection string named "iPlusMESV4_Entities".
The connection string consists of the following parts:
metadata: Specifies where the mapping files *. CSDL, *.. SSDL, *. MSL are located. In the iPlus context "iPlusV4_Entities", these files are already integrated into the assembly and must be left as shown in the code example above. In the MES-context "iPlusMESV4_Entities", these three files are outsourced as a file and therefore the path must be specified The path can be either absolute (e.g. C:\ProgramFiles\iPlus\iPlusMESV4.csdl) or relative to the executing folder (e.g... \iPlus\iPlusMESV4.csdl).
datasource: The network path to the SQL Server instance.
initial catalog: Name of the database (which you have specified during the recovery).
user_id, password: This information must be specified when you use the SQL Server authentication mode
Integrated Security: This indicates that the Windows Authentication mode should be taken. The value must be set to SSPI.
persist security info: False for Windows authentication, true for SQL Server authentication
Example with Windows authentication:
Example with SQL-Authentication:
The connection string can be encrypted and decrypted under the iPlus menu item "?-> Encryption connection string". This makes it no longer readable by people.