As long as Microsoft WPF has not ported on Linux or we have switched to AvaloniUI, use Wine for Linux to use the desktop app on Linux.
Please use the following instructions:
Here in brief for Ubuntu:
Check what architecture they have with
dpkg --print-architecture
With the 64-bit version, they receive the output amd64. But then you need to allow 32-bit for Wine. Check with the command Whether it is already enabled:
dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
If you do not receive any i386 as output, run the following command:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Update all packages:
sudo apt-get update
Install WINE
sudo apt-get install wine32:i386
Check if wine 9.0 or higher has been installed:
wine --version
With this command, you can set up the environment variables, but this is not necessary:
wine winecfg
Download the dot-net runtime for Windows, switch to the directory where the installer is located and install it in the Wine environment with the following command:
wine dotnet-sdk-8.0.404-winx64.exe
(Inserved that they install the same .net version which uses iplus currently (see GitHub)).
However, in order to run iplus, you need the right Windows fonts. You can install this using the additional tool winetricks ( knits ).
To do so, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install winetricks
Start winetricks
A welcome dialog will appear. There, select "Install an application" and do not select an application and cancel the next step with Cancel. Then select "Install a font" and press ok. Choose all fonts. (Necessary is arial, calibri, consolas, courier, tahome, times, verdana, webdings.
Then copy the entire bin directory where iplus is compiled into a Linux directory for as a Windows desktop version (usually the net8.0-windows7.0 directory). Switch to terminal via terminal and start iplus with the command:
wine gip.iplus.client.exe
wine gip.mes.client.exe
With ZorinOS you can make the Wine installation much easier by clicking directly on Wine support:
You can add fonts this way:
You can then start the program directly from the file manager by double-clicking.