Automatic update the local folder using gip.iplus.startup.exe
The latest version of iPlus should always be on the visualisation server. To ensure that the clients are running the same version, iPlus distributes the iPlus files present on the visualization server to the clients. Take the following precautions for the automatic distribution on each client computer which should receive automatic iPlus updates.
First create the following three folders.
- Assemblies: Local files for iPlus.
- Startup: Local folder for the startup program.
- StartupLink: Link directory for the Startup program.
After creating the folders, follow the steps below.
- Copy the gip.iplus.startup.exe into the Startup folder.
- Create a shortcut for gip.iplus.startup.exe and copy the shortcut to the StartupLink folder.
Open the properties of the gip.iplus.startup.exe shortcut via the context menu of the shortcut with the right mouse button / Properties.
Enter the parameters for the copy operation in the Target input field:
e.g. F:\Client\Startup\gip.iplus.startup.exe \\Server\iPlusShare F:\Client\Assemblies
- The first parameter is present by default and specifies the path to the linked file (you don't usually need to change it).
- The second parameter is the path to the directory where the current iPlus files are located.
- The third parameter is the target directory on the client computer.
In the Run in input field, enter the path to the configuration file iplus.config.
Now start iPlus by linking the gip.iplus.startup.exe. At the first startup, all iPlus files will be copied to the target folder. This process may take some time, but depending on the speed of your network it usually takes less than a minute.
Other optional launch parameters:
- With the fourth parameter you specify the start parameters for the iplus-Exe. You should put these in single quotes. If no start parameters are required, enter "-".
- With the fifth parameter you specify the working directory in which the program is to be executed. Usually it is the same as the target directory (third parameter).
- The sixth parameter is a string with four options:
- updatestart: Standard behavior - The latest version is copied from the server directory and the program is started.
- start: There is no copying process from the server directory and only the program is started.
- updatemax: It is first checked whether the program has already been started. If yes, then the program window will be maximized. If the program is not started, then copy the latest version from the server directory and start the program. This option prevents iplus from being started multiple times and only one process being active at a time.
- max: There is no copying process from the server directory and only the program is started. If the program is already started, the program window will be maximized. This option prevents iplus from being started multiple times and only one process being active at a time.
F:\Client\Startup\gip.iplus.startup.exe \\Server\iPlusShare F:\Client\Assemblies - F:\Client\Assemblies updatemax
- If the seventh parameter is set to "true", then there is no comparison with the server directory in order not to delete a local superfluous dll.