[BSOProdOrder] Production Order (end user guide)


On the left half of the screen, all order-related BOMs are listed that belong to this production order. When a row (1) is selected, the detailed information of the order-related BOM is displayed on the right half of the screen. All other tabs also refer to this selected BOM.

Button "Add" (2)

You use this button to generate an order-related BOM by taking the master data BOM as a template and copying it. A dialog appears in which you must select the corresponding master data BOM (1):


Then enter the target quantity (2) in base units of measure (UOM) and confirm with the button "OK".


Button "Delete" (3)

Use this button to delete the selected order-related BOM.


Button "BOM Expand" (4)

You can use this button to create additional order-related BOMs that are predecessors of the currently selected BOM. When the button is pressed, the BOM explosion is started and all predecessors are displayed as a tree structure in the following selection dialog:


Select the BOMs for which you want to create an order-related BOM by clicking the corresponding check boxes and then confirming with the "OK" button.

Attention: The target quantities are calculated automatically, based on the target quantity of the currently selected order-related BOM! Therefore, please make sure that this target quantity is correct from the beginning, so that you do not have to adjust the target quantities manually for each order-related BOM.

The data for an order-related BOM is displayed in three categories:


Category "Production Data"

  • Target quantity: Set target for quantities to be produced. The value cannot be changed directly in the input field. To do this, press the Change Quantity button (5). At the command prompt, enter the new target quantity and confirm with the "OK" button. All target quantities of the insert materials and the intermediate products are recalculated (scaled).
  • Actual quantity: Produced quantity. This value is determined by the quantity of the last intermediate product produced in the order-related BOM. This in turn is calculated from the sum of all Output-postings (inward postings to the warehouse).
  • Difference quantity = Actual quantity - Target quantity
  • Production status


Category "Additional Production Data"

  • Start Date: Updated at initial automatic start. Otherwise manually entered value, which is pre-populated with the current timestamp when the order-related BOM is created.
  • End Date: Is updated in the background during automatic production until the last workflow has expired.
  • Comment


Category "Original Bill of materials"

The most important data from the master data BOM is displayed from which this order-related BOM has emerged.

Here you can see the evaluation of the production result in tabular form:


Explanation of the fields:

Column A: Planned Products
A.1) QuantityPlanned quantity that should be produced.
Column B: Total Products
B.1) QuantityQuantity that has been produced (= good products + rejects)
B.2) Deviation %Deviation from the planned quantity (A.1)
B.3) Material usage %The material usage indicates how much material has been needed more or less (compared to the standard BOM) to produce this actual quantity (B.1).
B.4) Material usage related to final Product %The material usage indicates how much material has been more or less needed (compared to the standard BOM) to produce the actual quantity of the end product. The end product is the last production stage within a production order.
  Column C: Good Products
C.1) QuantityGood quantity (quantity of good product)
C.2) Deviation %Deviation from total quantity produced (B.1)
C.3) Material usage %The material usage indicates how much material has been more or less needed (compared to the standard BOM) to produce the good quantity (C.1).
C.4) Material usage related to final Product %The material usage indicates how much material has been more or less needed (compared to the standard BOM) to produce the good quantity of the end product. The end product is the last production stage within a production order.
Column D: Scrapped Products
D.1) QuantityScrap quantity (quantity of non-reusable product)
D.2) Deviation %Scrap quantity in % of the quantity produced (B.1)