This section only applies to process manufacturer who have automated their system with Variobatch.
Batch plans are more complex configuration rules for planning workflow nodes (workflow nodes that call other sub-workflows). You define batch plans using the control dialog in the Batch tab. You open the control dialog using the context menu on the selected planning workflow node in the diagram.
The dialog is divided into two parts: on the left side there is the batch plan list (1) and on the right side the detailed information (3) of the selected batch plan.
Multiple batch plans can be entered. These are processed in turn if they have been set to the "automatic start"-state via the status field.
- New
- Automatic start: Batch plan may be processed by the active planning workflow node.
- In Process: Batch plan is currently active and batches/sub-workflows have been started.
- Completed: All presets have been processed and no batch is active that has been started for this batch plan.
- Canceled: Manual intervention of the operator so that no new subworkflows can be started. Batches that have already started are processed to the end.