[BSOProdOrder] Production Order (end user guide)

General procedure

1. Insert new production order.

2. Create order-related BOMs and make quantity adjustments in tab "Bill of Materials Info".

3. If necessary, change material an quantities in order-related BOMs in tab "Components".


If discrete manufacturing:

If manual production:

 4. Switch to tab "Intermediate products" and select (next) Intermediate product to be manufactured.

4.1. Post input materials in tab "Intermediate products->Input->Planned postings"  (withdrawal postings from the warehouse).

4.2 Post manufactured material/product in tab "Intermediate products->Output->Planned postings" (aquisition postings to the warehouse).

5. Go to step 4. If more intermediate products are to be posted.

If automated production:

4. Switch to tab "Workflow" and open Control dialog on planning workflow nodes.

4.1 In tab "Configuration"  perform order-related configuration on workflow nodes.

4.2 Start automatic production in tab "Automatic".

5. Go to step 4. If there are any other planning workflow nodes that need to be started.


Otherwise process production:

If manual production:

4. Switch to tab "Intermediate products" and select (next) Intermediate product to be manufactured.

4.1. Generation or assignment of a batch for the corresponding intermediate product.

4.1.1 Post input materials in tab "Intermediate products->Input->Planned postings"  (withdrawal postings from the warehouse).

4.1.2 Post manufactured material/product in tab "Intermediate products->Output->Planned postings" (aquisition postings to the warehouse).

4.2. If more batches need to be created go to step 4.1.

5. Go to step 4. If more intermediate products are to be posted. 

If automated production:

4. Switch to tab "Workflow" and open Control dialog on planning workflow nodes

4.1 In tab "Configuration"  perform order-related configuration on workflow nodes.

4.2 In tab "Batchplanning" create batch plans with target information.

4.3 Start batch plan (Start automatic production)

5. Go to step 4. If there are any other planning workflow nodes that need to be started.


6. After the production has been completed, finish the production order. 


  1. Press the "New" button    in the content menu to create a new production order. 
  2. The Order Number field is automatically preset with a consecutive number. You can change this number. Please make sure that it is unique.
  3. The production status is set to "new created".
  4. The Contract partner field only needs to be filled in if the product should be produced multitenant. In this way, you control that in the case of inventory changes that are made through this production order, the contract partner stock is also included (the company's stock).
  5. Press the Save button and to save the changes.