[BSOProdOrder] Production Order (end user guide)


The input materials that are included in this intermediate product were automatically entered during the generation of the order-related BOM (copy from the master data BOM). You can make afterwards changes to the input material here.

The operation is the same as for the master data BOM. Please read the section there.


If the display is in batch mode (2), then your changes are made to the selected batch intermediate.

If the display is in intermediate mode (1), then your changes are made on the intermediate product. This then has an effect on all subsequent batches of intermediate products that are generated new!


Indicator "Take material from other order"

If several order-related BOMs have been created in this production order using the BOM-Explosion button, the input materials are linked to the output materials in the of the preceding BOM. In automatic production, only quants/batches that have emerged from this production order are searched for (order based production). This check mark must be selected in order to be able to use external batches (from other production orders).

Otherwise, if there are no preceding BOMs, then all batches/quants can be used from the warehouse.



To perform order-related postings, you must first create so-called "planned posting" (1). After entering all necessary posting data, the posting (3) must be executed. "Planned postings" have the following purpose:

  1. Division of tasks within a company (e.g. work preparation enters data, production personnel performs postings).
  2. Certainty in automated processes. Events in automated processes occur only once and never again (e.g. a dosage cannot be repeated again). If transaction errors or database problems occur in the background, you might lose information. To prevent this from happening, workflow nodes always first set up "planned posting" in the background before they are executed. Thus, these open transactions can be manually reposted in the event of an error.


Procedure for manual posting:

  1. Press the "New Posting" button (1).
  2. Selection of the newly created row in the posting list (2). Below this, a small form area is visible, which you must fill with the necessary posting data.
  3. Press the "Post line" button (3), to trigger the transaction*.


Effects of a withdrawal posting

A successful transaction causes the following:

  1. Stock reduction in the warehouse if a positive number has been entered as a posting quantity. A negative number is a stock increase. The stock fields of the following entities or tables are updated: Quantum, material, bin, lots, BOM, company (client).
  2. The statistical "Outward stock" fields of the corresponding entities/tables are updated.
  3. A new stock movement record is created, which is displayed in the posting history.
  4. One or more "stock movements of quantums" are created.
  5. The actual quantities fields of this material position and the parent material positions are updated.
  6. The planned posting is deleted.


Important note!

If you have a mistake in your posting or something else has gone wrong and you want to correct the posting again, always carry out the posting here and not in the warehouse management. Otherwise your statistics will not be correct! The rule applies: all activities that can be assigned to a business process (production, picking, goods receipt, goods issue...) should also be posted in the relevant business object!


* TransactionA transaction in computer science is a sequence of program steps, which are considered a logical entity, because they leave the data in a consistent state after error-free and complete execution. Transactions provide an "all-or-nothing" proposition, stating that each work-unit performed in a database must either complete in its entirety or have no effect whatsoever.


A successful transaction of a planned posting results in a so-called stock movement. All parameters from the planned posting are copied to the stock movement and any missing data is automatically added. These stock movements are listed in the first table.

The result of a booking is always that stocks in the warehouse and ultimately quantum stocks are changed. In the case of the withdrawal of solids and liquids from containers, several quantums may be affected due to the different layer models (process technology). These stock movements on Quantums are listed in the second table after you have selected the stock movement (1) in the first table.


Repeating of Dosings or Materialinputs

If dosed components were manually discharged, the dosages can be reactivated by resetting the material processing status in the posting history to "Discarded/Is Waste":

In addition, the status of the Input-Material must be reset to "New" in the "Details" tab.